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Lucia Calabrino, born in Mar del Plata in 1963, is an Argentine visual artist and educator. She trained as a teacher in Visual Arts and holds a degree in Advertising, and has been living in Buenos Aires since 1988. Throughout her career, she has attended numerous workshops and seminars in experimental artistic techniques.

Since 1982, she has exhibited her work in Argentina and abroad, with notable exhibitions in Spain and various museums in Buenos Aires. She has also illustrated books and worked as an educator for 30 years. She is a co-founder of TEKNE Educación, where seminars on experimental art are held.

I am Lucía Calabrino, an Argentine visual artist. Last year, I had the opportunity to participate in the Project Follow-Up course at Agora of the Experimentalphotofestival. This experience was enriching, providing me with new and valuable perspectives for my creative development.

The interventions by Pablo Giori, our coordinator, played a significant role in the process of my work. Additionally, interactions with my fellow course participants proved to be valuable contributions. Together, we explored various perspectives, techniques, and artistic approaches that pushed me to refine my ideas.

We also had the opportunity to participate in a collective experimental exhibition during Experimental 2023. This collaborative experience not only allowed us to share our artistic vision with a wider audience but also to establish enriching connections with other creators.

This year, I will return to the Project Follow-Up with a new work proposal.

I embrace the challenge of continuing to explore and expand my artistic horizons and eagerly anticipate the opportunities this new chapter holds.


Featured Exhibition

In celebration of the 150th anniversary of the founding of the city of Mar del Plata, I am presenting the experimental photography exhibition *MAR DEL PLATA 150*. The exhibition is part of an international tour covering three countries: Argentina, Italy, and France. It began in my hometown last June, and Rome will host it in Europe at the end of August, serving as the gateway to the exhibitions in Italy. The exhibition will continue through sister cities, including those in Naples and Sicily, and will conclude in Paris. Celebrating my city around the world through my art.

I wish to tell the story and celebrate my city from my particular perspective, a tapestry of emotions through historical and contemporary images. Creating a bridge of dialogue between the past and the present. The project has been declared of Cultural Interest by the Municipality of General Pueyrredón and is sponsored by COMITES Mar del Plata. *Mar del Plata 150* is part of *Proyecto ATÁVICO*, in which I explore my roots, identity, and a historical-territorial link between America and my ancestors in Europe.

About the Project: Atávico

The Atávico Project is not linear. It refers to roots that sustain. Tree, trunk, branches. Territory and journey. A very important part of it is my hometown, Mar del Plata, which is celebrating its 150th anniversary this year. It is the city where my parents arrived and became part of Little Italy, in the port neighborhood. It is where my father transitioned from being a farmer to a fisherman. It is where my mother went from being a child to a woman. Thus, *Mar del Plata 150* is born, in honor of my city.

I wish to transform events into the threads of my story, paths into the fabric of my existence.** This process, as manifested in this project, is so intimate that it ceases to be personal and becomes collective. Experimental photography techniques, along with textile interventions, remain my vehicles of expression. The images in this publication are pinhole photographs taken during October, November, and December 2023, and February 2024.

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