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History of Experimental Photography




8:30 Hours

These sessions explore from the earliest experiments surrounding the capture of images through photosensitive means to the innovative techniques that have challenged and expanded the boundaries of visual art. These conferences offer a deep and rigorous analysis of how experimental photography has revolutionized artistic creation, influenced global visual culture, and continues to be a driving force of innovation and creativity in the contemporary world.

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In Absentia. The Art of The Cameraless Photograph

Geoffrey Batchen

This conference explores how can a photograph of nothing—of nothing discernible or apparently significant—be, can offer a unique and meaningful perspective on the world, assessing their historical and contemporary value.


1 Hour


Buscando lo Imposible. Aproximaciones al origen de la fotografía a través de sus textos originales

Rebecca Mutell and Martí Llorens

In this talk, we examine the texts of the newly published book Buscando lo Imposible, highlighting key episodes such as Niépce's accident and the introduction of the terms 'negative' and 'positive' by Herschel, in order to reflect on the relationship between art and science in the origin of photography and its evolution in a contemporary context.


1:30 Hours


History of Experimental Photography

Marc Lenot

In this conference, Marc Lenot, author of the book Jouer contre les appareils, explores the origin and evolution of experimental photography. He highlights key milestones and movements, inviting us to experiment and reflect on the future of this form of art.


1:30 Hours


A Social History of Experimentation: Science, Analog, Industry, Digital and Starting Over

Pablo Giori

In this conference with our co-director, Pablo Giori, we will take a quick journey through the Social History of Experimental Photography. We will explore the contest between scientists, craftsmen, and artists to create new ideas, and on the other hand, the industry’s constant pursuit of economic gain.


1:30 Hours


History of Holography

Narcís Rovira

This lecture discusses the History of Holography and presents an online encyclopedia with 50 hours of artist talks, exploring the evolution and impact of holography on the history of photography and science.


30 Minutes


Painting is Dead, They Said: Analog Photography in Context

Bridget Conn

Bridget Conn explores the historical evolution between painting and photography, their impact on our visual culture, and presents her innovative work, inspiring attendees to creatively experiment in their artistic practices.


1 Hour


Fotografía Alternativa en Diferentes Países

Célica Véliz and Patti Rose

A photographer from Miami and another from Argentina discuss their experiences with alternative and experimental photography, the importance of conducting virtual workshops during the pandemic, and the combination of historical techniques with modern technology.


1:30 Hours

Designed for:

Anyone interested in learning or deepening their knowledge of a specific technique or challenges in experimental photography; from beginners seeking to acquire basic skills to more experienced photographers who wish to explore new techniques, refine their existing practice or stay updated on the debates and practices within the realm of experimental photography

Admission Requirements: No previous knowledge required.


• Workshops: Provide participants with the skills and knowledge necessary to master a specific experimental photography technique. Encourage experimentation, creativity and artistic expression, providing tools to develop your own style in experimental photography.
• Conferences: provide participants with a deeper and richer understanding of the conceptual aspects of experimental photography. Stimulate reflection and debate, offering an educational experience that inspires and enriches your understanding of experimental photography as a form of artistic expression.

Price: 20 euros.

Modality: Online - Pre-recorded.

What’s included:

• Unlimited access to all live and pre-recorded class content (workshops, lectures and additional downloadable materials) for life.
• Be a member of the Ágora Community: participate for free in our monthly Online Meetings (October 23, November 20, January 29, February 26, March 19, April 30 and May 21) and show your work on our social networks.
• Access the exclusive Ágora Community group on WhatsApp with exclusive discounts, direct access to teachers and the Ágora team, monthly information, special content.

Required Materials:

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